

The grace of God in Jesus Christ leads us to live lives of gratitude. That is the pattern of our life with God: grace and gratitude. Part of gratitude is responding to God by investing a portion of what he gives to us back into the ministry of his church. We don't give out of compulsion, but out of joy, responding to the Good News and desiring to see God's will and reign made manifest in his world.

Besides the traditional check or cash in the offering plate, Central Presbyterian Church offers other ways to give:


Online GivingGive Now! (You will be asked to set up a profile to manage giving)

* Gifts made online come to the church but will be reported for tax purposes on a form issued by the Presbyterian Foundation, which administers the online giving platform.

Checking/Savings Automatic DebitDebit Authorization Form (You will need to print the form)


Both of these options offer an easy way to set up recurring giving, so even if you miss worship, your gift will still be made!